The characteristics of a drunkard(part 1)
The characteristics of a drunkard is as follows. Please note that it is applicable to keralite drunkards only.
They get up early and take bath in the morning and come out with a fresh face with a red eye irrespective of the quantity of liquor they have taken yesterday .
Most of them do have dentures, and they smile very nicely.
They elaborate their drinking spree in the past. And invite you to be a part in the future drinking spree.
If they find you a little tired they will say that it is the excessive drinks you have taken yesterday.(you may be a teetotaller they don’t care about it.)
Some of them are voracious eaters.
They are very good cooks.
They tell you that drinks are solution for every problem you confront with.
This list is not complete ..
It is advisable that similar road signals near to schools can be placed near the bars of kerala. The sign board which I created is here, interested parties may contact me.